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Date : 2011-03-15

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Why do we have day and night Questions and Answers ~ The fact that we have day and night is because its own axis and too because that the sun moves from east to west So During its rotation the earth is the only one who moves and the sun is the most obviously part in the solar system The Sun revolves around earth

What Causes Day Night Earth for Kids DK Find Out ~ Day and night The Earth is a sphere or ball which spins round and round as it travels around the sun One side of the Earth faces the sun while the other side faces away into space The side facing the sun is bathed in light and heat—we call this daytime

Why Do We Have Day and Night on Earth ~ Day and night on Earth are caused by the planets rotation around its axis and its position relative to the Sun The Earth rotates from west to east so places further east experience daybreak and nightfall sooner One hemisphere of Earth is in daylight at any given time Earth rotates around its axis once every 23 hours and 56 minutes

Why Do We Have Day and Night astroEDU ~ Different places in the Earth experiences different lengths of night and day The 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night happens only in places near the equator for example the Philippines Arctic and Antarctic experience polar day when the Sun stays above the horizon for more than 24 hours and polar night when night lasts for more than 24 hours

About Day and Night Lunar and Planetary Institute ~ There are differences however in the length of day and night — the cycles are made even more complex by the tilt of a planets axis and its rate of orbit Some planets rotate faster than Earth and some rotate slower Mars has a day and night cycle similar to Earth Mars rotates on its axis once every 246 hours

What Causes Day and Night Universe Today ~ For most of here on planet Earth sunrise sunset and the cycle of day and night aka the diurnal cycle are just simple facts of life As a result of seasonal changes that happen with every passing year the length of day and night can vary – and be either longer or shorter – by just a few hours

Day and Night time and the Seasons ~ The Earth takes a whole day 24 hours to makea complete turn Why is the Sun in the sky at some times and not at other times At any time half of the Earth faces the sun This part has day The other half of the Earth faces away from the Sun It receives no light It is dark and has night

Day and night explained for children Day night seasons ~ As the Earth moves around the Sun it rotates on its axis so we have day and night The side of the Earth facing the Sun is bathed in light and heat daytime The side of the Earth facing away from the Sun out towards space is darker and colder nighttime


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